7 Question Slam: Mrs. Ashley

7 Question Slam: Mrs. Ashley

The Breeze

Q. What would you be doing if you weren’t a teacher?

A. I was considering being a school psychologist because I felt that students social-emotional needs need to be addressed in order for students to learn. So instead of going into psychology, I went into being an educator knowing I would use my background in psychology. 

Q. What inspired you to teach graphics?

A. When I was a student and I had to do projects, I wasn’t very artistically inclined to do poster projects but with a computer, I discovered that I was able to create anything and make it look professional. By teaching graphics, I feel like I’m giving students a tool to create professional-looking products. 

Q. What made you want to be a teacher?

A. I loved school since I was a little kid in elementary school, and I love helping people. That’s just my nature so by becoming a teacher, I get to come to school every day and help students learn. 

Q. What’s your favorite part about teaching graphics?

A. This year is a switch for me because I’ve worked with elementary students up to this point. I like that teaching high school graphics, I can help students learn skills that can be valuable in whatever they do in the future. I feel like the technology skills students learn in this class will help students with whatever they do in the future.

Q. What’s your favorite movie?

A. I like all sorts of different things so pick one is challenging. It’s not my all-time favorite but it is one of my favorite movies is High Fidelity with John Cusack. 

Q. What do you do with your free time?

A. I spend all of my free time with my family. I have two children, Jack who is six and my daughter who is two. Her name is Charlotte. 

Q. What’s your favorite memory from your high school experience?

A. I went to Somerset High School so I would have to say Case Rally. You never forget those experiences.