The Fall Ball Review

Lily Botelho

On November, 19 2021, a night in which temperatures dropped as low as 34 degrees, Somerset Berkley had their first ever fall dance, the Fall Ball. This dance, open to only juniors and seniors, took place outside on the football field from 6 to 9:30 PM and can only be described in one way: COLD. Although there was lots of fun to be had, from the DJ to cornhole, most people you approached at the dance could only talk about one thing: how cold it was. This dance was meant to last 3 ½ hours but few people made it more than 1. Most people began to leave around 7:30 and the decorations started coming down before 8 pm.

A fall dance at Somerset Berkley has lots of potential, but one at night in November just has too many logistical problems. If the dance was even a few weeks earlier or was somehow able to happen indoors, I can imagine it would have been much more enjoyable and people would have likely stayed for the full duration of the dance. A first trial at anything though is usually never a full success and there is still a lot of opportunity for the dance to improve. If COVID concerns are minimized by next year, the dance could happen inside. If not, there is still an opportunity to hold the dance earlier, such as in late October, before the cold really starts to set in.