College with Kylee No.8

“The Art of the College Interview”

Kylee Schecter

So, you’ve submitted your college applications; now what? Well, you could either be stuck waiting for months for your status update email or you could get a request for an interview. College interviews, depending on the school offering them, often are an opportunity to meet with a current student/alumnus/staff member and both ask them questions and answer some about yourself. Takeaways from these interviews, written by your interviewer, may be sent in to the admissions office along with your actual application. 

Accepting an interview can tell a school a lot more about you, demonstrate interest, and give you an opportunity to know what it’s like to attend that institution (as told by someone who has substantial personal experience with that institution). However, there is usually no harm to your application if you decline an interview. 

Here are some interview tips:

  • Do your research!
    • A school may have some specific questions for you, or you may find a niche subject about the school that demonstrates exceptional interest!
  • Keep your phone locked away
    • Can you imagine giving up your time to interview someone and they’re on their phone the whole time? Me neither. Just keep it away from you either in another room if you’re doing a virtual interview or in your bag.
  • Brainstorm your questions beforehand
    • College is a huge transition, and you’ll definitely have a lot of questions. Preparing some questions for your interview can help make a difference if you’re someone who tends to forget things when under pressure.


Do you have any interview tips or questions? Send us a comment and let us know!