Somerset Berkley’s Water Wreckage

Image derived from Horner Millwork

Ryan Rose, Co-Editor

In the last few weeks, students at Somerset Berkley Regional High School have likely realized that the school’s main office has been closed. Some students have gone down to the office to find it completely unavailable, some may have heard of the news from friends, and almost everyone within the school has likely heard the announcements for students to report to the “Main Office TV Studio Suite” location at some point. While many students knew of the office’s closure, not all were aware of why the office had to be shut down in the first place.

Dr. Brelsford has reported that over Columbus Day weekend a pipe connected to the HVAC system began to leak within the main office. Due to the fact that this occurred over a long weekend, it is likely that it took longer for staff to become aware of the leak. Water and nontoxic glycol leaked throughout the back of the office. The main office is currently unavailable due to the strong odor of the glycol (which is safe, just pungent), the need for new drywall, and new rugs as well. It is currently unknown when these repairs will be completed and when the main office will reopen.

The main office is now currently dispersed across the school. Administrators are now located within the TV Studio while admin assistants are spread across the library, the guidance offices, the attendance booth, and the TV Studio as well. Should students need to get into contact with the main office they can do so through any of these locations and they will be directed to the right place. Emails are also always welcomed.