Day Three of Breezemas: The Worst Christmas Movie of All Time

John McClane? More like John Mc-Lame


Kylee Schecter

To put it simply, Die Hard is the worst Christmas movie. But who knows if you can even call it one at all. The facts are: Die Hard takes place during Christmas time, includes a Christmas party, and makes 21 total references to Christmas throughout it’s excruciatingly long duration with things like Santa Hats, Christmas music, and Christmas trees ( This number alone is not substantial enough to truly say that Die Hard even is a Christmas movie. Regardless of the truth, let’s assume that Die Hard is a Christmas movie for the sake of this article. Compared to classics like White Christmas and Miracle on 34th Street, Die Hard is absolutely horrible. Barely revolving around Christmas and having no constructive moral immediately sets Die Hard behind any other choices. Seriously, an action movie holds nothing to holiday classics with lights and whimsy. Die Hard itself isn’t as good as it’s made out to be. Repetitive and nonsensical action scenes, predictable characters, and an utterly generic plot makes Die Hard a HORRIBLE MOVIE. Bruce Willis’ lack of presence on screen doesn’t help the movie either. Call it personal taste, but Die Hard just doesn’t measure up to the standards that other Christmas movies set.