New Courtyard Policy

Colby Yokell, Co-Editor

Mr. Lanczycki, the principal of Somerset-Berkley Regional High School, stated a change that was made in the courtyard policy, to the surprise and joy of many students. The courtyard can now be used during passing time as a means for quickly moving from one side of the building to the other. However, students are not allowed to hang out in the courtyard as in the library, the Student Dining Center, and other areas of student congregation.  Students may not go into the courtyard to relax during their studies, either.  Mr. Lanczycki urges students to “keep it clean”–one of the biggest fears that existed when the students were not allowed to use the courtyard unless directed by a teacher–otherwise the privilege may be revoked. He also states that the staff are “trying to give freedom to the students and the opportunity to see if they can handle it.”