Organizing Case Rally 2015


Sydney Mis, Co-Editor

Recently, I interviewed Sophomore class president, Kara Kanuse on how one of best events of the year is organized-Case Rally!

Kara Kanuse, Sophomore Class President
Kara Kanuse, Sophomore Class President

Q: Who runs/helps organize Case Rally?

A: Student council, Ms. Dennon, and Mrs. Cabral all help organize Case Rally.

Q: Is it stressful (helping run Case Rally)?

A: At times yes, but it is also a lot of fun.

Q: What is there to do in organizing Case Rally?

A: We first have to figure out what we are going to do for a theme (what movie or show). Then we have to start thinking about the script, who is going to write it, and then assigning parts to play the roles. Next, we have to work on dance and music and also what art we are going to incorporate into our skit.

Q: What do you do to get penny pounds?

A: To get penny pounds, this year the Sophomore class sold bracelets for $3 and we also sold hat day tickets.

Q: Would you encourage people to partcipate in case rally in the years to come?

A: Yes, it is a lot of fun.

Q: How can people get involved in Case Rally next year and the following years to come?

A: Come to the meetings, or join student council, or talk to any of the student council members and give them your ideas.

Case Rally just around the corner and the excitement is building up! But if you didn’t participate in Case Rally this year, think about joining next year.  You don’t have to act; maybe you could write, participate in music, or help with the art. There is a place for everyone!